MONO: “Digital” by Joy Division.

Think you know a song — old or new — that deserves a shout? Send us your suggestions and why the songs are hot. We’ll post it on the site for the world to read.

THE SONG: Digital.

WHO: Joy Division.

WHY IT’S HOT: A binary chant dedicated to disenchantment. The refrain — “Feel it closing in/Day in/Day out/Day in/Day out/Day in/Day out” — howls like existential crisis expressed in 0’s and 1’s. Ian Curtis in great voice and his sparse lyrics hit their claustrophobic best.

WANT MORE? Joy Division performing “Transmission”, “Interview”, and “She’s Lost Control”. “Transmission” contains Ian Curtis’ best lyric:

Well I could call out when the going gets tough
The things that we’ve learnt are no longer enough
No language, just sound, that’s all we need know
To synchronize love to the beat of the show

And we could dance

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