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WHAT WE’RE CHEWING ON: Stephen Miller’s Tweet.


Stephen Miller’s tweet is a masterclass in fearmongering and intellectual dishonesty, a glaring example of the kind of anti-scientific rhetoric that poisons rational discourse. Let’s dissect this with the scalpel of reason and fairness, shall we?

The term “invasion” is a deliberately inflammatory and dehumanizing choice of words, designed to evoke fear rather than foster understanding. To equate human migration — a complex, multifaceted phenomenon deeply rooted in socio-economic and geopolitical factors — to an “invasion” is not just ignorant, it’s dangerously simplistic. Sometimes, the “R” in Republican stands for reductive. Throughout history, migration has been a constant, a fundamental aspect of human existence. To deny this is to deny a core aspect of our species’ evolution and history.

Miller’s assertion that President Biden is “incinerating the border on purpose” is a gross misrepresentation. Policy decisions, especially those concerning immigration, are not the diabolical schemes of cartoon villains, but the outcome of a complex interplay of laws, humanitarian concerns, and international relations. This hyperbolic language serves no purpose other than to stoke baseless fears.

Charles Darwin Signature T-shirt – “I think.” Two words that changed science and the world, scribbled tantalizingly in Darwin’s Transmutation Notebooks.

Furthermore, the idea that the only effective legislation is that which comes about through “protracted, vociferous protests and angry veto threats” is a lamentable misunderstanding of democratic processes. Effective governance is not measured by the decibels of dissent it generates, but by its ability to address the needs and rights of individuals while balancing these against the collective good. To suggest that consensus or agreement among parties is inherently suspect is a perverse inversion of democratic ideals.

But wait.

Let’s address the underlying xenophobic underpinnings of Miller’s argument. It’s what he’s about after all.

Study after study has shown that immigrants contribute significantly to their host countries, both economically and culturally. The narrative of immigrants as invaders is not just factually wrong; it’s a narrative that has been used throughout history to justify some of the worst atrocities committed by mankind.

Let’s be honest.

Miller’s tweet is not a serious contribution to the discussion on immigration policy. It’s a thinly veiled appeal to base instincts, a rallying cry for those who prefer fear over facts, division over discourse. Rejecting such simplistic and dangerous rhetoric is the right thing to do.

Want a solution? Why not engage in informed, evidence-based discussions about how to manage one of the great challenges of our time: global human migration?

WORDS: brice the contrarian.

IMAGE CREDIT: Screenshot.

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