MONO: “Piano Love” by Conway The Machine.

Think you know a song — old or new — that deserves a shout? Send us your suggestions and why the songs are hot. We’ll post it on the site for the world to read.

THE SONG: Piano Love.

WHO: Conway the Machine.

WHY IT’S HOT: His Shady Records has finally arrived and if this first single is any indication, this might be album of the year material. Conway’s upper echelon grimy lyrics + Alchemist’s moody production is always a winner and “Piano Love” is another classic in the vault. Looking forward to when “God Don’t Make Mistakes” drops and the think pieces and accolades start raining down.

WANT MORE? Check out… Take it back with “Blakk Tape” off the Reject 2 project.

WORDS: Greg Cee.

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